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Grumpy Gardener Variety Box Wild Bird Feed
Help feed the Wild birds with Grumpy Gardener Variety box Wild Bird Feed 500g of chipped sunflower hearts, 500g Chopped Peanuts, 500g Suet Pellets, 2 Nutpecker Prefilled Coconuts, 10 Deluxe Fatballs, 1 Suet Cake. This Variety box offers a wide variety of food to cater for all your wild birds needs.
In stock
- 1x Chipped Sunflower Hearts (500g)
- 1 x Chopped Peanuts (500g)
- 1 x Gold Mix Suet Pellets (500g)
- 2 x Nutpecker prefilled coconuts
- 1 x Pack Deluxe Mix Fatballs (qty 10 balls in a pack)
- 1 x Gold Mix Suet Cake